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Development of world society is the result of human thinking. Human thought has a significant importance since the very beginning of civilization. When a minor or major problem is seen, the solution is sought based on human thought. Consequently, the problems are resolved. In this way, every problem seen in....

To prepare the trend and character of world community of manifest its pure, transparent and human friendly behaviour. To stop the unwanted activities in society and maintain good discipline and healthy competition among human beings. To establish the rule of law and execute good governance based on worldwide principles of justice. To implement....

2016 02:59

The major aim of anticorruptology is to enforce zero tolerance against corruption and to establish a corruption-free society. To achieve an ideal society, anticorruptology has the following objectives: To maintain financial ethics, morality and virtue in the society for happiness, peace and prosperity of general public, To help people take rational decisions....

2016 02:58

Anticorruptology is the scientific study of anti-corruption. This means, it is a science against corruption. Science is the pinnacle of knowledge to be studied continuously. In other words anticorruptology is ultimately verified knowledge of anti-corruption. Anticorruptology should be defined on the basis of knowledge and its significance. Its identity should....

Good virtue is the virtue of man from birth.                                                  -Moral Science Human being is a wise creature. He/She wants to live in the society being good, better and best.   -Sociology There occurs the domination of psychology in all aspects of development.       -Psychology There should be no lack of balance between economic business....

2016 02:56

Time has come for in-depth research of corruption after being conceived as a social problem. However, the problem pertaining to corruption is different from other social problems. This cannot be studied by keeping it as a part of sociology. It has to be given a separate place after brief study.....

Various problems have originated in the society from the beginning. We have the potentiality of the solutions of these problems. The controlling measures are to be developed. In the human society, any types of problems raised are discussed and tried to be resolved. In this context, many nations in the....

Like all other disciplines, Anticorruptology has also both good and bad aspects. The good and bad aspects of it are listed as follows: Merits of Anticorruptology It creates positive feeling in human thought. It develops creative thought in human beings. It creates good conduct among individuals and promotes reconciliation among them. It provides guidelines for....

Anticorruptology is a science as well as an art. A science has two aspects: realistic and idealistic. Anticorruptology is both a realistic and normative science. 1.   Realistic science: Anticorruptology should be regarded as a realistic science. Science proves something specifically with fact and it describes only about fact. It describes cause and....

Anticorruptology is advocated to curb corruption. As corruption changes its nature from time to time, it couldn’t be controlled in spite of various measures that were taken. Thus, as per the demand of time, anticorruptology evolved to keep corruption under control. Therefore, the nature and scope of corruption and anticorruptology....

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