Relationship between Anticorruptology and Other Disciplines Anticorruptology Home / Anticorruptology / Relationship between Anticorruptology and Other Disciplines
2016 02:11
Anticorruptology can be taken as a science to uplift a degraded society. It has direct relationship with human being. It studies humans and their different traits, behavior, mentality and activities. Other sciences supervise, analyze and evaluate moral or immoral activities of people in social life. The relationship between anticorruptology and other social sciences is described as follows:

1.   Anticorruptology and Economics:
Economics is a science to study financial activities of people. It studies how people generate income and expenditure. It investigates, interprets different methodology of economics and the nuances of overall economic system. On the other hand, anticorruptology is a scientific study of nature, trait and character of property generation. Economics provides knowledge related to systematic way of economic transaction, generation and proper utilization of it. Anticorruptology stands against illegally gained property and formulates mechanism to control such type of property. Unlike economics, it doesn’t allow to earn and manage property in indiscreet way. It advocates the principle that the economic development of individual, society and nation is not possible without elimination of corruption. It openly opposes the corrupt conduct of society. Economics is a science to study property systematically and anticorruptology is a science of study against the ill-gained property. Therefore, these two disciplines are closely related.

2.   Anticorruptology and Political Science:
Political science is the study of state, government, state affair, political activities and so on. The study of law and order, legal state, stability of democracy, activities of political parties etc. come under the area of political science. On the other hand, anticorruptology studies how corruption-free culture can be maintained in a country. Corruption-free society deserves political stability and peace in the country. Where there is reign of corruption, there is political instability. Different countries in the world are experiencing political instability due to widespread corruption. Instable politics can’t promote the growth of people and country. Precarious political problems are created in the countries where corruption is prevalent. An Anticorruptology helps the society to promote discipline, prosperous and moral values with the consequence that corruption-free society is created and economic development starts. Similarly, people’s living standard is lifted up and political stability is maintained. In this way, political science and anticorruptology have close relations.

3.   Anticorruptology and Sociology:
Sociology is a science of studying all activities practiced in society. It studies origin, structure, tradition, culture, custom and development of society. Besides, sociology tries to find out mechanisms to remove ill-custom, de-culture, superstitions in society. It studies political, economic, religious, historical, legal and moral aspects of society. All these areas are studied by anticorruptology as well because these two disciplines have very close relation. Anticorruptology provides means to solve the problems arising from a situation where sociology is unable to address it. Therefore, sociology and anticorruptology are complementary to each other.

4.   Anticorruptology and Ethics.
Ethics is a science of studying human moral character. It analyzes something good or bad, right or wrong, moral or immoral and so on. It studies the welfare of people and society based on moral character. The societies have to be developed with moral discipline and good character. Ethics helps to uplift the dignity of society. It is the essence of ethics. On the other hand, the objectives of anticorruptology are to make the society follow morality and to maintain a disciplined just and transparent society. Thus ethics and anticorruptology have intimate relationship with each other.

5.   Anticorruptology and Psychology:
Psychology is a science of studying human mind and behavior. It is related to mental thought, emotion and feeling. All good and bad activities of a person depend on his/her mentality. The mind is so dynamic that progress and decline of human beings and their personality are determined by mental state itself. Human trait, culture, nature and characters are controlled by mental emotions. Therefore psychology has been introduced as a science. A human is not born corrupt. Naturally he/she is born pure, transparent and moral. But social environment, circumstance and behavior change the human mentality. Psychology tries to find out the problems created by mental actions and reactions. Like this, anticorruptology tries to explore means to keep the changed emotion and feeling under control. Corruption is concerned with mind and feeling. Therefore, anticorruptology and psychology are just like two wheels of a cart which can’t be separated from one another.

6.   Anticorruptology and History:
History is a study of past events and situations. It can be studied not only through written and unwritten documents but also through physical structure, practiced customs and culture as well. History provides knowledge about prosperity and decline of a country with chronological series of social, economic, political, religious and cultural events of that country. Such types of factual events have significant value in society. History keeps the records safe about past events of both prosperous time represented by good and moral persons and corrupt time led by immoral and corrupt persons. The present leadership is guided by history itself. Corruption existed in the past. How it was controlled and how we should control it can be learnt from history. Thus the good era as well as bad era of the past can be studied in history. Therefore, anticorruptology is incomplete without history.

7.   Anticorruptology and Journalism:
Journalism is a profession of disseminating information sincerely about the events in the society. In this profession, factual information should be disseminated without any bias. When journalism becomes dishonest, it is called yellow-journalism. The same yellow-journalism is opposed to anticorruptology. Journalism is a respectful profession. It is established as a significant power in state affair. Therefore, journalism has been accepted as a fourth organ of the state. It has important role to scrutinize the state power. When journalism is changed by vested interests the country has to face adverse consequences. So, a critical relationship is maintained between anticorruptology and journalism.

8.   Anticorruptology and Anthropology:
Anthropology is the study of all aspects of human development. It studies humans, their culture and social structure in detail. Similarly, social class, race, religion, culture, values along with human trait, nature, character, ideology, behavior etc. are studied in anthropology. All these factors change with the change of time. Human thought, feeling and behaviour become corrupt with negative impact in human development. Caste, race, language, and religion of human society originated in different parts of geographical regions. Their social, economic, religious, cultural beliefs are also different. It is natural to have variation in their thought, trait and behaviour. The same human trait, thought, feeling and behaviour are to be studied in anticorruptology. That is why, these two disciplines have specific relationship.

9.   Anticorruptology and Public Administration.
Public administration refers to the study of functions, responsibilities and rights of the executive body, one of three organs of state power. It studies and analyzes the management of relationship between service provider and clients. Moreover, it provides knowledge about how to solve the problems arising in public-service delivery. Various action plans have to be made for the welfare of people and nation in public administration. While making such types of action plans, the policy might be made and implemented for both benefit and loss of the executive, opposition party and people. In such condition, there may occur deviation of right and duty of both service provider and clients. Such situation is corrected and reformed by anticorruptology. Thus, public administration and anticorruptology have close relation.

10.  Anticorruptology and Rural Development:
The lowest social unit is a village and the development of a village is the backbone of national development. With this belief, rural development was developed as a discipline. Lower social units are divided into village and city. The social status of people in village and city is different. Due to this reason, for the balanced development of both city and village, the principle of rural development can’t be studied and understood by separating it from anticorruptology. Along with social and cultural development, there is a significant role of economic development in rural development. The main aspect of rural development is economic development and due to the importance of economic aspect, there is maximum possibility of corruption. Therefore, to maintain transparency in the economic factors of rural development, anticorruptology plays a vital role. Thus, these two subjects have integral relationship.
11.  Anticorruptology and Management:
Management studies its principle, methodology and implementation. Managerial role, market management, financial management are main subject matters of management. The complete studies of these matters are management study. Management-related factors like human resource, industrial management; machine, production, distribution, administration, accountancy etc. are also included in management. Industry and business may fail due to lack of management. People are deceived and cheated due to shortage and supply of fake goods in the market. Similarly, financial mismanagement makes the financial sector weak. All these risky situations can only be managed by the proper implementation of the principles of anticorruptology. As a result, the financial sector becomes strong, effective and stable. Because of this reason, anticorruptology and management have special relationship.

12.  Anticorruptology and Law:
Law is the written document to run state affair which should be obeyed by all persons, organizations and government. When there is confusion in law, the court interprets it and subsequently, it is implemented. Law is a subject of study. It is taught and learnt to make the law stable. Law is not readymade document. It is codified by the representatives of people for the welfare of people. The same codified document is implemented to run the state affair. But sometimes, people’s representatives, political party, who have authority to make law, make and implement unjust law. By this activity, both people and state face injustice. In that very situation, anticorruptology should control such type of wrong and unjust activities of the stakeholders. Anticorruptology warns them against passing unjust laws. Therefore, Law and Anticorruptology have close relationship.

13.  Anticorruptology and culture:
Culture is a study of entire customs, lifestyle, behavior, racial beliefs, values, traditional ceremony and ways of living and so on. The global human society and culture are not similar due to caste, race, religion and culture. However the culture of the people from different caste, race and religion is tied up with their lifestyle. The same lifestyle of people is culture. The culture is guided by human feeling, interest and belief which is directly related to the main principle of anticorruptology. Divergent culture and lifestyle cause sometimes to immoral conduct. In such a situation anticorruptology corrects such misbehaviors. The development and descent of a society is directly related to culture. Good culture is right and bad culture is corrupt. Therefore, anticorruptology and culture are mutually related.

14.  Anticorruptology and Philosophy
Philosophy analyzes fundamental principles, conducts and attitudes of human life in depth; and it tries to strengthen the supreme value of social life. Furthermore, it tries to establish ideal and moral behavior in a society as per demand of time. It analyzes knowledge vs science, spiritualism vs materialism, thesis vs antithesis. It motivates a society to move on right path. Not only that, philosophy inherits policy and methodology of a newly introduced discipline as per demand of a society. Similarly anticorruptology also stops a society from going on corrupt path. It can stop the path of corruption by formulating policy and methodology according to need of time. Likewise, it provides moral value and belief to the human life and promotes positive and natural development of human society. From this point of view, philosophy and anticorruptology have same inherent relationship.

15.  Anticorruptology and Theology:
Theology is a religion or science of lifestyle. Some have called it communal science but it’s not true. It’s only an illusion. The intellectual societies understand theology as a communal science. It has to be defined, analyzed and interpreted seriously. Due to the reason that theology is analyzed from Vedic eternal system, it has been dubbed as communalism. It is a supreme philosophy of oriental society which has not yet been adopted by western academicians. However the oriental society, the representation of majority of religion and culture, should accept it. Liberality, moderation and tolerance are the aroma of oriental theology. It has gained highest space in the history of human development. This oriental theological belief has been adopted by various religious communities. So, it is viewed as a religious community. But oriental religious belief is only for human welfare. So, it is not suitable to compare it with other religious and communal philosophy. Oriental theology is the main source of human lifestyle. When it is distorted, human life becomes incomplete. Therefore this religious philosophy shouldn’t be compared with other religious philosophies. When theology was introduced for study in the world, at that time, there existed only Vedic eternal dharma in human society. Religion means lifestyle adopted by people. The characteristics of fire and water are hot and cold respectively. Likewise characteristics of human beings should be humanitarian. Therefore, the lifestyle of humans should be humanitarian. Human life is spent happily due to religion. The same humanitarian religion is analyzed in theology. Virtuousness, morality, discipline, sincerity, honesty, traditional customs etc. are main principles of theology. On the other hand, all these are the principles of anticorruptology as well. Therefore, theology and anticorruptology have mutual relationship.
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