Corruption-control mechanisms in Nepal Blog Home / Blog / Corruption-control mechanisms in Nepal
2015 02:52
Like in many other countries, corruption is a huge problem in Nepal as it is the main obstacle to economic and political reforms, accountability, transparency and good governance. Corruption has trickled into both private and public sectors, and into almost all aspects of life. The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) is a supreme constitutional body dedicated to corruption control – a distinctive anti-corruption agency in South Asia. It has the role of an ombudsman, investigator and prosecutor. It carries out inquiries and investigations into corrupt and improper conducts involving public officials. It has the authority to investigate all officials from the Prime Minister to low-rank public servants. Based on the findings, the Commission may file a case against allegedly corrupt indiviuals in the law court. As its authority is directly derived from the constitution, any legislative measures to curb its power are subject to judicial review of the Supreme Court.

The CIAA focuses on the detection of corrupt acts and punishment of the corrupt on the one hand, whereas it also promotes social, cultural awareness of the evil of corruption and encourages institutional reform to create anti-corruption environment on the other hand. In this way, the CIAA takes punitive, preventive and promotional measures against corruption. Its awareness activities consist in disseminating information through audio-visual ads, posters, pamphlets, booklets, newsletters, calendars, stickers, radio and television programs. The CIAA also organizes interaction programs with governmental as well as non-governmental organizations and civil society to discuss and find out ways and means to curb corruption.
Moreover, it has collaborated with international stakeholders to promote anti-corruption activities by sharing experiences and exchanging views in various national and international forums. The CIAA has carried out exchange visit programs and participated in training organized by overseas graft fighters such as the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) of Hong Kong and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Academy (MACA).
Nepal is an active member of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The country has also contributed to the first and second International Conference of the Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA) held respectively in Beijing in November 2006 and Bali in November 2007.

Nepal is a signatory to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC). It has recently enacted the Anti Money Laundering Act, the Procurement Act, the Right to Information Act and the Good Governance Act to meet the legislative pre-requisites of UNCAC. Governemental forces are currently drafting some more acts including the Mutual Legal Assistance Act, the Witness and Whistle Blower Protection Act to further comply with the pre-requisites of UNCAC. The Parliament is to ratify the accession of Nepal to the UNCAC in no time.
Fighting corruption is difficult but not impossible. It requires a new order of incentive structures so that individuals change their behavior and start thinking differently. There is a need for restructuring social order to establish a corruption-free society in which public post holders acknowledge their accountability, fear the heavy cost of corruption and get rewarded for being honest. People are to be educated so that they show zero tolerance towards bribery. The suggested project finds long-term solutions to the corruption problem by formulating and implementing proactive plans and programs.

Mr. Beda P. Shiwakoti
CIAA, Nepal
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