Structure of Society and Change of Social Class
2016 01:05
The society is organized in different manners and levels in different countries of the world. The structure of a society of a country seems different from that of another country. The structure of human society is somehow similar. The structure of society in both developed and developing countries is also similar. It is balanced and determined by the existing culture of that place. Other factors which influence the structure of society are geography and natural environment. Even if nature of social structure seems different, human traits, nature and behavior are similar. So, the societies look similar when they are classified and studied. For example, all five fingers are not of the same length but if any object is be grabbed, all the five fingers move jointly. In the same way, the social classes act together to run collectively. We can predict that this class system will be continuing in the days to come.
The social structure is similar in developed and developing countries. The organized society can be classified under three classes. They are as following:-
1. High class,
2. Middle class,
3. Lower class.
It is divided in these categories since the creation of human society. We cannot transform this structure of society into a single class.
1. High class;
High class consists of those who are powerful and enjoy all types of facilities in the society. This class protects culture, religion, promotes social and economic development and develops necessary infrastructure to run the society. It also plays prominent role for all round development of society.
2. Middle class:
Middle class plays an important role for prosperity or decline of society. It is in-between high and low classes. So, it connects both the classes. That’s why, it is responsible for social development. This class is educated, informed, responsible and conscious. The people of this class are involved in the good and bad works. It has a role to transform a social system. It runs the society in the status quo for a short period of time. The people of this class are intellectual, innovative, social reformers, development motivators and nationalist. Being active in politics this class attempts to solve the problems of the country and stays close to the state power. Generally, this class resides in urban areas.
3. Lower class:
It refers to the lower community in the society, which labours hard for its survival. This class is poor but still alive. Sometimes they don’t get basic needs for their livelihood. As a weak class of society, it is uneducated, unemployed, incapable, and weak. They are engaged in labour and agricultural works. So, sometimes they lack their basic needs. Thus, this class is poor.
From ancient time, society has been categorized into three classes. Let’s see the class division in the figure:-

The above mentioned class system has existed from the ancient period. It is a structure of a society. This class system can’t be changed. If it is changed, it will not continue for a long time. As head, legs, hands and other organs are required for automatic operation of human body, these classes are also required to operate a society. But, in a corrupt society, more than three classes can be seen. The increment of number of social classes depends on the extent of corruption. The more corruption occurs, the more social classes will be created.
This is an abnormal situation of society when corruption grows up:

From the above figure, it is clear that increment in the extant of corruption is proportionally related to the increment of number of social classes. When the magnitude of social problems goes high, the ratio of social development diminishes.
As corruptions grow in the society, the corrupt communities are organized and unnecessary social classes are created. How social structure is changed in the developed and developing countries should also be considered. The middle class seems to be divided in the country where high ratio of corruption exists. Generally, middle class is seen to be divided into two classes:
a. Upper middle class,
b. Lower middle class.
a. Upper middle class:
Upper middle class has a culture and custom like that of a high class. They raise their social status and start to use more and more facilities. Top government officials, political leaders, businessmen and industrialists, who are involved in the corrupt activities are the examples of this class. Those who are corrupt, upgrade to upper middle class. Corrupt leaders, businessmen, industrialists, activists and media persons who have illegal relationship with foreigners are transformed into this class. This class has close relationship with state power. It has significant role to change the state power as well.
While studying the social structure in the changed global scenario, this upper middle class was a recent phenomenon. This class has started to hold a powerful influence in both the developed and developing countries. As this class was created unnaturally, it doesn’t have stability and sustainable characteristics. Since it attempts to exist between high and low classes, it takes sometimes to get adjusted. At present, this upper middle class is not stable. Thus until the stability of this class is ensured in society. It is not sure how its existence is maintained in the society. Anyway, this upper middle class has contributed positively in the developed countries but it has created some problems in the developing countries. Anticorruptology can work effectively to control, operate and determine the size of this newly created social class.
b. Lower middle class:
It is also the middle class which has been at the midpoint of social structure from ancient time. As it is established naturally, all the human virtues exist in this class. Thus, this class acts as an agent of social development. This class is capable, honest and active for the social and national welfare. So its responsibility in the society doesn’t decrease.
Corruption is the major factor that divides middle class into two sub-classes. When corruption is committed in all sectors, the economy of corrupt persons gets strong. Due to the strong economy, their mental aspects also become better and strong. Consequently, an ambitious community is created. The middle and lower middle classes which try to imitate the rising community also start to get involve in the high class/culture. As a result, there is conflict.
Let’s see the present social structure from the perspective of anticorruptology:-
Structure of society and interrelationship among corrupt classes:

The corrupt class in the social structure is shown in the above figure. Upper middle class is created by dividing middle class. This upper middle class is attracted to high class. Similarly lower middle class is attracted to low or poor class. Corrupt class and anticorruptology are in the opposite direction. Both of them try to influence the middle class. The social situation remains at the opposite direction, functions effectively and influences the middle class.
Let’s see how this interrelationship influences the social structure of developing countries:-

In the above figure, corrupt class has encroached and divided the middle class into two sub-classes. Consequently, the condition of lower class has been miserable and ultra-lower (ultra-poor) class has been created. Ultra poor class lacks basic needs i.e. food, clothing and shelter for their livelihood. Food, clothing and shelter refer to the food items for stomach, cloth to cover the body and roof for shade from sun and rain. If ultra-poor don’t get these basic needs, they start to become rebellious and create problems in the society.
At present, also there is ultra-lower class in the developing countries. This miserable condition is advent of corruption related activities. Therefore, if anticorruptology influences the society of developing countries rapidly, it should provide justice and generate income to all.
Corruption creates hooligan and mafia like it creates extra social classes. Hooligan and mafias have most influence in the city and boarder areas. If hooligans are active, the legal system of that country gets dormant. This mafia system was developed in Europe. From European countries, it spread over all the developing countries of the world. It means, hooligan class has also been added in the structure of society. This class creates a group of anarchist leaders and such leaders defend hooligans.
At present, old social structure is being destroyed and new one is emerging in developing countries. So, these countries have to face various social problems. Division of a social class and creation of new sub-classes hinder social development. That’s why, changing social classes should be controlled. If we maintain the traditional class system in any society, we will achieve all-round development of the society. It is believed that the problem of further division and creation of new class can be controlled by anticorruptology. Unnaturally created class can be left out by the natural way. It is proved by the following figure:-

This figure shows that there is a balanced society under the natural structure consisting of 15% + 70% + 15% equaling to 100%. This balanced society is regarded as an ideal society. If this becomes imbalanced, problems will arise. Additional classes are seen to be created outside the natural structure of society. This unnaturally created organ is called tumors in the medical science. That tumour has to be cut out for the good health. The additional social classes which are created outside the boundary of natural structure of society can be removed by anticorruptology. Ultra lower and upper middle class create conflict, injustice, anarchy, misbehaviour, corruption and other social evils. Therefore, anticorruptology has treatment to undo unnaturally additional social classes in the developing countries.
The social structure is similar in developed and developing countries. The organized society can be classified under three classes. They are as following:-
1. High class,
2. Middle class,
3. Lower class.
It is divided in these categories since the creation of human society. We cannot transform this structure of society into a single class.
1. High class;
High class consists of those who are powerful and enjoy all types of facilities in the society. This class protects culture, religion, promotes social and economic development and develops necessary infrastructure to run the society. It also plays prominent role for all round development of society.
2. Middle class:
Middle class plays an important role for prosperity or decline of society. It is in-between high and low classes. So, it connects both the classes. That’s why, it is responsible for social development. This class is educated, informed, responsible and conscious. The people of this class are involved in the good and bad works. It has a role to transform a social system. It runs the society in the status quo for a short period of time. The people of this class are intellectual, innovative, social reformers, development motivators and nationalist. Being active in politics this class attempts to solve the problems of the country and stays close to the state power. Generally, this class resides in urban areas.
3. Lower class:
It refers to the lower community in the society, which labours hard for its survival. This class is poor but still alive. Sometimes they don’t get basic needs for their livelihood. As a weak class of society, it is uneducated, unemployed, incapable, and weak. They are engaged in labour and agricultural works. So, sometimes they lack their basic needs. Thus, this class is poor.
From ancient time, society has been categorized into three classes. Let’s see the class division in the figure:-

The above mentioned class system has existed from the ancient period. It is a structure of a society. This class system can’t be changed. If it is changed, it will not continue for a long time. As head, legs, hands and other organs are required for automatic operation of human body, these classes are also required to operate a society. But, in a corrupt society, more than three classes can be seen. The increment of number of social classes depends on the extent of corruption. The more corruption occurs, the more social classes will be created.
This is an abnormal situation of society when corruption grows up:

From the above figure, it is clear that increment in the extant of corruption is proportionally related to the increment of number of social classes. When the magnitude of social problems goes high, the ratio of social development diminishes.
As corruptions grow in the society, the corrupt communities are organized and unnecessary social classes are created. How social structure is changed in the developed and developing countries should also be considered. The middle class seems to be divided in the country where high ratio of corruption exists. Generally, middle class is seen to be divided into two classes:
a. Upper middle class,
b. Lower middle class.
a. Upper middle class:
Upper middle class has a culture and custom like that of a high class. They raise their social status and start to use more and more facilities. Top government officials, political leaders, businessmen and industrialists, who are involved in the corrupt activities are the examples of this class. Those who are corrupt, upgrade to upper middle class. Corrupt leaders, businessmen, industrialists, activists and media persons who have illegal relationship with foreigners are transformed into this class. This class has close relationship with state power. It has significant role to change the state power as well.
While studying the social structure in the changed global scenario, this upper middle class was a recent phenomenon. This class has started to hold a powerful influence in both the developed and developing countries. As this class was created unnaturally, it doesn’t have stability and sustainable characteristics. Since it attempts to exist between high and low classes, it takes sometimes to get adjusted. At present, this upper middle class is not stable. Thus until the stability of this class is ensured in society. It is not sure how its existence is maintained in the society. Anyway, this upper middle class has contributed positively in the developed countries but it has created some problems in the developing countries. Anticorruptology can work effectively to control, operate and determine the size of this newly created social class.
b. Lower middle class:
It is also the middle class which has been at the midpoint of social structure from ancient time. As it is established naturally, all the human virtues exist in this class. Thus, this class acts as an agent of social development. This class is capable, honest and active for the social and national welfare. So its responsibility in the society doesn’t decrease.
Corruption is the major factor that divides middle class into two sub-classes. When corruption is committed in all sectors, the economy of corrupt persons gets strong. Due to the strong economy, their mental aspects also become better and strong. Consequently, an ambitious community is created. The middle and lower middle classes which try to imitate the rising community also start to get involve in the high class/culture. As a result, there is conflict.
Let’s see the present social structure from the perspective of anticorruptology:-
Structure of society and interrelationship among corrupt classes:

The corrupt class in the social structure is shown in the above figure. Upper middle class is created by dividing middle class. This upper middle class is attracted to high class. Similarly lower middle class is attracted to low or poor class. Corrupt class and anticorruptology are in the opposite direction. Both of them try to influence the middle class. The social situation remains at the opposite direction, functions effectively and influences the middle class.
Let’s see how this interrelationship influences the social structure of developing countries:-

In the above figure, corrupt class has encroached and divided the middle class into two sub-classes. Consequently, the condition of lower class has been miserable and ultra-lower (ultra-poor) class has been created. Ultra poor class lacks basic needs i.e. food, clothing and shelter for their livelihood. Food, clothing and shelter refer to the food items for stomach, cloth to cover the body and roof for shade from sun and rain. If ultra-poor don’t get these basic needs, they start to become rebellious and create problems in the society.
At present, also there is ultra-lower class in the developing countries. This miserable condition is advent of corruption related activities. Therefore, if anticorruptology influences the society of developing countries rapidly, it should provide justice and generate income to all.
Corruption creates hooligan and mafia like it creates extra social classes. Hooligan and mafias have most influence in the city and boarder areas. If hooligans are active, the legal system of that country gets dormant. This mafia system was developed in Europe. From European countries, it spread over all the developing countries of the world. It means, hooligan class has also been added in the structure of society. This class creates a group of anarchist leaders and such leaders defend hooligans.
At present, old social structure is being destroyed and new one is emerging in developing countries. So, these countries have to face various social problems. Division of a social class and creation of new sub-classes hinder social development. That’s why, changing social classes should be controlled. If we maintain the traditional class system in any society, we will achieve all-round development of the society. It is believed that the problem of further division and creation of new class can be controlled by anticorruptology. Unnaturally created class can be left out by the natural way. It is proved by the following figure:-

This figure shows that there is a balanced society under the natural structure consisting of 15% + 70% + 15% equaling to 100%. This balanced society is regarded as an ideal society. If this becomes imbalanced, problems will arise. Additional classes are seen to be created outside the natural structure of society. This unnaturally created organ is called tumors in the medical science. That tumour has to be cut out for the good health. The additional social classes which are created outside the boundary of natural structure of society can be removed by anticorruptology. Ultra lower and upper middle class create conflict, injustice, anarchy, misbehaviour, corruption and other social evils. Therefore, anticorruptology has treatment to undo unnaturally additional social classes in the developing countries.