Back Force of Corruption Anticorruptology Home / Anticorruptology / Back Force of Corruption
2016 11:09
Corruption cannot grow by itself. It is developed by different activities from different levels of state affair. Corruption is increased knowingly unknowing, being accepted or with pressure or with interest or as an opportunity by the corrupt agencies. Such agencies are interpreted as back force of corruption.   
The state agencies are responsible for prosperity and poverty of the state. When they become irresponsible corruption makes a headway. It is these agencies which work as back-stopping factors in boosting up corruption. The main agencies are as given below:
  1. Unstable Government
  2. Policy making sectors
  3. Development sectors
  4. Commercial sectors
  5. Nongovernmental organizations
  6. Communication sectors
  7. Political parties.
1. Unstable Government:
Developing countries generally have unstable governments. Corruption is high in those countries where the government is unstable. Corruption and unstable government are related as the integral parts. Unstable government acts as a breeding ground for corruption.
2. Policy making sector:
Policies and plans for execution of state affairs should be made systematic with due considerations. Unsystematic and haphazard policies and plans cannot last long. Even if it lasts long, it brings damage to the state and the people. That’s why, the parliament which is considered the third organ of the state should make policies and plans for the welfare of the state affairs and people. Similarly, the executive which is another agency for policy making should make policies which support the well-being of the state and its citizens. All the state agencies having power to make plans and policies should focus on people in formulating and executing the policies. Otherwise the same policy-making agencies act as the sources of corruption. Many people in policy-making level in developing countries are involved in institutionalizing of corruption by misinterpreting the laws. Such types of agencies forward different excuses to make corruption legal. In this way, policy-making agencies are found intentionally involved in corruption. Those agencies have illicit relationship with political parties.
3. Development Sector:
A development sector refers to the agencies which are involved in developmental activities in the country. Developmental activities include locally constructed agriculture related infrastructures as well as national-level physical resources i.e. minerals industry, hydropower project and so on. Local cunning people and cadres of political parties invite interference in small-state developmental activities and large national projects are executed on petty interests of leaders who are in the government. Corruption is found in all developmental activities from local-level to national-level projects. Although commission is lesser in developed countries than developing nations, nonetheless it exists in the developmental activities in all countries. Corruption is overt in the development activities as commission is traded in work performance even if tender of the same works is sold in competition. Competition in tender is only a pretention. That’s why development sector is considered a back stopping force of corruption.
4. Commercial Sector:
The commercial sector is the main source of corruption. It applies to internal and foreign trade. Beside these two types of trade any occupation aims to get benefit is to be taken under commercial sector. It relates to market management based on demand and supply of goods, market prices, buying and selling of goods, service-oriented professions like doctor, engineer, lawyer, teacher and counseling firms. They are regarded as commercial sectors. Commercial sector is profit-oriented. The profit is the main motivating factor in corruption. Morality and responsibilities are neglected in such incidence. When morality and responsibility are neglected, there starts immoral behavior. It results in the increase of corruption. Thus commercial activities are the mainstay of corruption.
5. Non-Government Organizations:
NGOs work in the areas left out by the governments. The NGO communities developed in developed countries initially. At present, they are widely expanded in developing countries. The NGOs of developed countries interfere in the developing countries with the principles of developing countries that creates a problem. THE CORRUPTION HAS BEEN ACCELERATED due to this phenomenon. That’s why, it can be said that corruption has grown in developing countries due to the activities executed by nongovernmental organizations. Those international organizations are operated according to their culture, history, social behaviour and their own interest as the foremost goals of their activities. All of them strategically implement their agenda in the poor countries. They influence the clever people of poor countries and make them implement policies and plans to fulfill their interest. That’s why the NGOs can’t work well for the wellbeing of poor countries. They work as strong source of corruption. It can be said on the basis of international relations that most of the NGOs run in poor countries to make them dependent and to induce corruption.
6.   Communication Sector:
The world communities have been close due to communication. In fact it has helped for development and will continue in the future. But it should not be forgotten that misuse of communication have adverseresus. The pros and cons of communication channels depend on the moral responsibilities of the head of the government or communication agents. All means of mass communication in developing countries i.e. newspaper, radio, television, telephone etc are not operated selflessly. Their main interest is to gain maximum profit. Principle and policy are not followed in such types of profit-making activities. The communication agencies can be influenced by national and foreign interference with the power of money. Therefore, communication channels are found corrupt despite their clean and fine image in general public. The communication channels have power to sensitize, stimulate, and motivate the community. They can also fan rumor and propaganda. Such types of miscommunication can be sponsored intentionally by any person, community, group, political parties, and foreign agencies. These types of activities have continued in developing countries where the code of conduct in communication is not obeyed. Therefore almost all communication agencies in the developing countries are seen as the back force of corruption.
7. Political Parties:
The political parties in almost all countries of the world have developed their own political areas. They have gained their political status in the country. A few political parties are active in developed countries. On the country, hundreds of political parties try to gain political status with active role in the developing countries. The political situation of the countries which have maximum number of active political parties remains highly unstable. The more number of political parties the higher the increase in the ratio of instability will emerge. When politics is unstable, the parties start to weaken the state fund and collect property in their fund when they get chance to execute state affairs. The parties which are outside the government come to the opposition against the loot of the state fund by the ruling parties. The corrupted political party in power is toppled from the power and another party joins the government. That party also collects property from state fund. So it also cannot stay longer and is overthrown from the government. In this way , only political parties have right to form the government .As a result , from a few parties to several parties always hurry to form coalition government and even a small dispute causes to dissolve the government .The political parties experiment to come in and fall back from government in developing countries. As a result, the plan and policy making agencies are also associated with the ruling political party. There appears interference in small to large development projects from local to national levels. The business sector becomes miserable due to inflation in internal and foreign trade. The NGOs within the countries are influenced by the interference of International Non-Governmental Organizations. Similarly, communication sectors get distracted from ethics and morality and present themselves as proclamatory journal. The cunning people of a country who are divided into various parties and run so many parties cannot handle the politics of that country. Cunning people operate political parties in the developing countries. The politics where those people are active is polluted. The polluted political sector prompts the corruption in the country.
Political parties exercise great amount of power in decision making. All the big projects are operated by their decisions. They make a lot of illegal money from those decisions. They need big amount of money to run their parties. Hence, all political parties, which are successful, are basically corrupt.
Let us see the back stopping elements of corruption in the figure:

Among the seven back force of corruption, the center is political parties. This is to say unprincipled parties have been the root causes of corruption.
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